A woman typing on a laptop with a mug next to her. The mug has the Dubsado logo on it.

Why Dubsado is Our Favorite Business Management Tool

Featured image credit: Dubsado

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Real talk: the logistical aspects of running a business can be daunting, time-consuming, and sometimes just plain frustrating…you know what we’re talking about. Surely by now there could be robots that schedule our meetings, send out emails, and do our bookkeeping, right?!

Unfortunately, these robots don’t exist quite yet, but today we’re going to introduce you to something else that is just as awesome…

It’s our absolute favorite business management tool: Dubsado!

What is Dubsado?

You’re probably wondering, “What in the world is Dubsado?!” 

Here’s the 411: Dubsado is a business management platform where you can do tasks like send contracts and invoices, manage your bookkeeping, schedule meetings, track your time, send emails, and create forms. Basically, Dubsado has got you covered when it comes to handling the logistical, administrative parts of your business.

Now, we know there are tons of different apps and platforms that can accomplish these tasks, but Dubsado is extra awesome because it makes it possible to do everything in ONE place. This saves you from having to constantly switch between platforms as you run your business in your day-to-day life. (You also get to skip the learning curve of having to figure out how to use multiple tools, apps, sites, etc., too!)

A notebook and pen in an open box. Text on the notebook cover states "Slay the day the Dubsado way"
Credit: Dubsado

5 ways we use Dubsado at Marketing Queen

Dubsado has many different features, so it’s easy to customize and make it fit for your business needs and workflow. Here are five ways we use Dubsado that have made our business life oh-so-much better

#1 – Contracts are a breeze

Allllll MQ contracts are sent with Dubsado. It’s easy to create and save contracts on this platform, and you can adjust your templates per specific client if needed, too. Plus, Dubsado’s contracts features allow for electronic signing, so you and your clients never have to worry about printing, scanning, uploading, and so on!

Bonus: you can even add your logo, fonts, colorways, etc. to your contracts, so the contracts always have your own branding, not Dubsado’s. 

#2 – Save time with canned emails 

Writing and sending emails can be one of the biggest rabbit holes entrapping us during a workday. So, any way we can cut down on email writing time is a win in our book!

We like to use Dubsado to create email templates or canned emails that we can use often. This works especially well for emails that are regularly sent out throughout a project or service’s duration. Dubsado’s email feature allows you to write that email just ONCE, and then use it over and over again as needed. It’s such a time saver!

Just like Dubsado allows you to customize contracts before sending them out, you can also edit your canned email templates to personalize them before they go out to each client. 

#3 – We love the Dubsado scheduler!

Dubsado’s scheduling feature is newer to the platform, and we are slowly making the switch over from Calendly. So far, it has been AMAZING

With Dubsado, we can create a landing page where clients can pick a date and time (synced availability with our Google calendar of course), and then automatically book a meeting. The meeting is then added right on to our calendars; it’s soo simple and seamless! 

Furthermore, we also have Dubsado’s scheduler set up so our clients can fill out a form for the particular type of meeting or even make a payment before their meeting if needed. Then, Dubsado sends out reminder emails that automatically go to BOTH of us leading up the meeting date. This feature has made managing our calendars so much easier! 

#4 – Automation is a game changer

As you’ve seen by now, we are huge fans of how Dubsado can streamline processes and cut out busywork through automation. Dubsado has helped us really automate our maintenance plan service (where we help our clients stay on top of their website maintenance). 

In fact, Dubsado is one of the main reasons we can keep our maintenance plans so affordable. It has given us the ability to focus on the task of maintaining the site updates every couple of weeks without having to worry about the administrative parts. 

For example: We now only need to send one email to someone that is interested in signing up, which automatically leads them to the maintenance contract to sign. Then, Dubsado sends them an automated invoice on the 1st of each month and allows the client to autopay the invoice each month. The process is smooth, and neither the client nor us have to worry about any part of it! 

A computer on a desk with the Dubsado logo on the screen
Credit: Dubsado

#5 – New, fun features we can’t wait to try

To be honest, Dubsado has so many awesome tools that we haven’t even gotten to try them all yet. Plus, they keep adding more new features all the time!

There are a couple new features we’re really looking forward to trying out for our business soon:

Bookkeeping: Full disclosure – we use Quickbooks for all client invoices outside of our maintenance plans. We’re pretty loyal to Quickbooks. In fact, we have used Quickbooks Online for 8+ years, before Dubsado even came on the scene! However, if we were even to switch bookkeeping platforms, Dubsado is the ONLY one we would consider moving to. Their accounting tools are very user friendly, and they offer tons of helpful reports to track your expenses, income, payments, etc. 

Client portal: Dubsado also has a new client portal where the client can access most parts of the Dubsado interface for their account (their current forms, contracts, emails, invoices, payments, and so on). This seems like it could be very helpful for many of our clients to use in their businesses, however we haven’t found a need to incorporate this in our workflow right now. 

The bottom line is: there are SO MANY possibilities with Dubsado!

Streamline your business management with Dubsado today!

What are you waiting for?! We highly recommend that you start using Dubsado ASAP. You will love how much it simplifies administrative tasks and how much more time you’ll have to do the work that you’re actually passionate about. What’s not to love about that?!

If you’re to start using Dubsado for your business, click here to start a FREE trial

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A Pinterest graphic with a computer on a desk with the Dubsado logo on the screen. Text overlay: "Our favorite business management tool."
A Pinterest graphic with some office supplies with the Dubsado logo on them. Text overlay: "Dubsado, why we love it."
Credit: Dubsado

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